Gov. Daniels recently spoke against "rockheaded, misguided" climate change legislation, eliciting a strange response from The Journal Gazette. Daniels said such legislation would devastate the Hoosier economy. That attitude, the JG said, shows a lack of faith in Hoosiers:
The governor's views don't give Hoosiers much hope in making transitions away from traditional manufacturing toward more efficient and high-tech industries. Hoosiers should have more confidence in their ability to be innovative and adapt to changing economic realities.
Yeah, Governor, we Hoosiers are tough! You can knock the legs out from under us and kick us while we're writhing on the floor in agony, and we'll get right back up and dare you to knock us down again! So go ahead and give it your best shot. Destroy our economy and see if we care!
I know it's not the point of this post, but is my understanding correct that you believe global warming is basically a fantasy?
Nice call. I had never thought about it being a fantasy before. That's what AL Gore is living in, a fantasy land.
No. The fantasy is that global warming or climate change or whatever the hell they're calling it now is something that must be headed off instead of adapted to. It's the centuries old statism vs. freedom argument, and all the usual suspects are happily cheering for statism.
...SO I'm guessing that when the EARTH is merely doing "It's own thing" in our universe (see ICE AGES and other assorted climatic changes that happened when we were still sludge in some DNA cesspool), nobody wants to admit to it, right?
I don't honestly know how "WE" can head off something that this old planet's been doing (all by itself) for millions of years.
Maybe we can just "play nice" with Mother Nature, instead of trying to wrest CONTROL from her?
(just a thought from a NON-tree-hugger)
Thanks Leo. I understand better where you're coming from.
Considering the Earths temperature hasn't "risen" in 11 years and has actually gone down it does tend to make one think if it's not a"fantasy" it's at least one huge freaking error.
Algore & his ilk are nothing more than opportunistic snake oil salesmen, corrupting an already inept and dishonest legislature beyond any measure of common sense or common decency. 21st century theives is all they are.