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Opening Arguments

Faith matters

What a strange, strange magazine Newsweek is becoming. First, it told us we are all socialists now. Then, it told us to just accept radical Islam as a fact of life. Now, it trumpets "the end of Christian America":

To the surprise of liberals who fear the advent of an evangelical theocracy and to the dismay of religious conservatives who long to see their faith more fully expressed in public life, Christians are now making up a declining percentage of the American population.

According to the American Religious Identification Survey that got Mohler's attention, the percentage of self-identified Christians has fallen 10 percentage points since 1990, from 86 to 76 percent.

Maybe that decline is worrisome to some, but if If this nation is still 76 percent Christian, compared with 1.2 percent jewish and .6 percent Muslim, that hardly seems like a reason to start digging the Christian grave. The story notes that about 3.6 million identify themselves as agnostic or atheist, which is less than 1.5 percent, and that about 12 percent call themselves unaffiliated with any particular faith. After all the hype, the story briefly nods to reality: "Let's be clear: while the percentage of Christians may be shrinking, rumors of the death of Christianity are greatly exaggerated. Being less Christian does not necessarily mean that America is post-Christian."


tim zank
Wed, 04/08/2009 - 6:38pm

According to "The One", (while on the "Sorry America Really Sucks" portion of his "Hey I'm Not George Bush" tour in Turkey) we (The U.S.) don't consider ourselves a "Christian Nation", or a Hebrew Nation, or a Mooooslim Nation, we are a Nation of individuals with common ideals.

Gee, Thanks for speaking for me Barry.

With his help, that percentage should go down a lot more.

Do you suppose by the time he's out of office we'll be whispering to one another "psssst...we're meeting some other Christians in Bob's basement later, pass it on" ?

Newsweek is invested very heavily in the success of "The One". They shall not waiver.

Michael B-P
Wed, 04/08/2009 - 9:39pm

Newsweek is invested in outselling the competition. As long as they have a GQ package on which to fixate the public's attention (see, they got you talking about him again), they will continue to publish stupid and outlandish headlines and crank out more glossy bathroom reading instead of pursuing journalism.
