I was shocked (still am a little) when Fort Wayne lost both its MCL cafeterias and the company apparently decided it didn't need to worry about a future location here. What, we don't have enough senior citizens in Fort Wayne looking for a good meal value? I still love the place and visit one in Indianapolis close to my sister's house occasionally.
This news is shocking in the same kind of way:
The shopping selection at Jefferson Pointe will soon be a little less sweet. The Krispy Kreme Doughnut store off Illinois Road will close on April 26.
[. . .]
In Fort Wayne, that means about 50 people will be out of work. The Jefferson Pointe location opened to much fan fare in the summer of 2003, but that sweetness apparently wore off.
The company has closed other company-owned locations in the Summit City, but Jefferson Pointe is its last area store.
Fort Wayne, according to certain sources one of the dumbest and fattest cities in the nation, can't support a Krispy Kreme operation? You might was well tell me all the McDonald's will close and leave us Big Macless. The shock is just cultural, you understand, not a matter of palate predisposition. Personally, I find Krispy Kremes much, much too sweet, and never got the devotion many people have for them. I prefer the plain-cake stuff like the old Murphys machine turned out (and still does, if you ever make it to Cindy's Diner). You know, the real hefty coffee-dunkers.
Murphys downtown...best donuts ever...gawd I'm old....
Leo, we MUST be drinking out of the same coffee pot this day (I mentioned it as well).
Nothing better than a donut you HAVE to halve in order to dunk it properly!
Great (donut-filled) minds do think alike...LOL!
You're not OLD, Tim...just well "seasoned"...like Leo and I.
So Tim . . . plan an excursion downtown for cake donuts from Cindy's Diner made with the same machine that was in G. C. Murphy's Five & Dime.
Yes, sometimes you can go back!
I had no idea the original machine was at Cindy's!