Without making any judgments about either cause, we can say that here in this letter to the editor we have a "pot calling the kettle black" situation:
PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) recently made the news again by suggest-ing that the president have compassion on a fly that was bothering him.
[. . .]
Had any of these same people ever taken one step toward protecting other life — human life?
PETA is a group that will brazenly use the flimsiest of news pegs on which to hang one of its pro-animal rights polemics. Anti-abortion activists likewise use any excuse to get the message out. They can probably teach each other a lot about how to get media attention, although I do hope the insect lovers don't start using Holocaust comparisons.
Wait a minute. Isn't your paper, and the right wing it represents, always the first to drag out Holocaust comparisons, usually about abortion?
When a recent letter writer started up with "I'm usually against murdering people...", I knew the Tiller the Killer stuff was coming. You reap what you sow.
Are you folks thinking of covering the Freethought Fort Wayne meeting at the main Library Wednesday? It's from 7 to 9 p.m. in the main library's basement auditorium.
They're atheists, so of course I don't expect you to be resprectful, but surely the community deserves to know of their existence and their shows on public access TV.
Author Robert Price will be speaking.
Oops. Sorry for the "respectful" misspelling. But really, it would be nice to see one of your reporters there.
No offense littlejohn, but is a handfull of atheists in the basement a newsworthy event?