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Opening Arguments

Not quite normal

Oh, for goodness sake:

GREENCASTLE -- Mysterious doings were happening in the East College building at DePauw University Tuesday evening as members of Hoosier State Paranormal investigated one of the oldest structures on the campus.

Located at the center of campus, East College is a symbol of the University's tradition of excellence and learning.

[. . .]

Tuesday night, a team of 10 members was investigating the main floor of the building, the basement and Meharry Hall on the second floor.

It took some time to run cables and set up cameras in the designated areas and to hook up monitors and computers in the control room.

A university actually puts up with this nonsense? And a newspaper actually reports it as if it were real news? Or maybe you think I'm being too judgmental and would like to visit the Hoosier State Paranormal Web site, where they promise to be dedicated to helping "clients find answers to their paranormal problems."

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