Some weeks, you have to search high and low (mostly low) for examples of Hoosiers Behaving Badly. But other weeks, well, they just leap right out at you. Today, we have the 51-year-old man who had a perfectly rational explanation for why he was naked in a cemetery:
The man said he had been golfing all day and that he undressed in his truck because his underwear was wet. He said he left his truck naked to look at the flowers because he did not have his glasses.
And we also have the budding photographer:
LA PORTE - Police at the Polish Festival here Tasered a man who opened the doors of portable toilets being used by women, apparently to take their pictures with his cell-phone camera.
The naked mourner was arrested for public indeceny, which might be stretching the definition of "public" a bit. The seeker of beauty was arrested for -- better sit down for this shocker -- resisting law enforcement and public intoxication. Yes, children, he went to a festival and drank!
Oh, you whacky Hoosiers...LOL!
Her's the new state slogan:
"We're Nakeder in Indiana...(burp)"