Today's evidence that the End Times might be nearer than we think:
Michael Jackson fans have launched a campaign calling for the superstar to be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
[. . .]
So far, more than 2,000 people have added their names to the campaign started by Los Angeles student Anneliese Nichole Brown.
She hopes 100,000 will lend their support for the Thriller singer who died on June 25.
A similar petition has been signed by 10,000 fans.
As the story notes, though, public demand does not govern nominations for the prize, which can be suggested by members of governments, professors and former winners of the prize. Maybe Jimmy Carter and Al Gore can get together and put his name up, which would be more useful for humanity than anything else they've been doing lately.
The phrase "Bowing to the absurd" comes to mind...
This is SO ridiculous, you just KNOW that people CANNOT make this kind of "stuff" up!