Before any Fort Wayne officials get the bright idea to copy this, they might want to look into the legality of restricting parking on publicly financed streets:
Parking in front of your neighbor's house overnight is now against the law in Richardson.
City Council members on Monday night approved rules that limit parking on streets. Only people who live in or are visiting a home may park in front of it from 2 to 8 a.m. Residents or guests who park elsewhere can receive a citation, with a fine of up to $500.
[. . .]
Council members said there is a problem with the number of cars parked on streets, which inconvenience residents and create safety hazards.
Uniform parking regulations -- e.g., a "no parking" zone or time-limiting meters -- are not the same as selective prohibition. Tax dollars pay for city streets, and anyplace parking is allowed is someplace I figure I have the right to park. Anybody that tries to tell me otherwise is looking for a lawsuit. I get annoyed sometimes when somebody visits someone in the neighborhood and parks in front of my house, but it's never occurred to me that such an activity should be considered law-breaking.
I do not know if it is legal- but in Germantown in Columbus Ohio, they do the same thing. Only residents have a parking permit.
I like the permit idea...especially in places where you have "neighbors" that just HAVE to have about 12 cars over to THEIR house, effectively disallowing parking by ANYONE else in the immediate area.
But we never had that problem in rowhouse streets in Philly...maybe it was that "mutual respect" thing people USED to practice.
Now that would be "change" I could believe in.
Let's see .... hmmmm .... public property ..... nope, no parking, no smoking, no farting, no standing, no talking, no driving...oh wait a sec, you can still drive on the public streets I guess for now. But give it time, I'm sure your council will find a way to curtail that for your own good as well, you dumb dumb taxpayers!
Great Country Huh?