Yesterday, I expressed the opinion that the pilot of the flight that landed in the Hudson, though he saved the day, wasn't really a "hero" -- he was in the right place to do what he was supposed to do and did it. Now comes a local example of what a hero is, two men who went out of their way to save a man in a burning car, though they could have been caught ina an explosion by doing so:
Dozens of drivers passed the scene of the accident Tuesday morning, Taylor said, most slowing down to watch. Only Taylor and Thieme cared enough to do something about it.
Dozens passed by, two did something. Pretty good description of heroics. Taylor also had an interesting take on why more people aren't "heroic" these days: "A lot of people don't get involved because they're thinking about getting sued or whatever." A cynical take
In TODAY'S society with it's lawsuit mentality, this is so often the case.
Yet, there are some people who still DO "buck the system" and toss "political correctness" and "conventionality" to the 4 winds...and others are thankful (and alive) because of such people.
Not cynical...just realistic, Leo.