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Opening Arguments

Reality check

Some in the Occupy Space movement seem to be turning on each other:

It's a den of thieves!

Occupy Wall Street protesters said yesterday that packs of brazen crooks within their ranks have been robbing their fellow demonstrators blind, making off with pricey cameras, phones and laptops -- and even a hefty bundle of donated cash and food.

“Stealing is our biggest problem at the moment,” said Nan Terrie, 18, a kitchen and legal-team volunteer from Fort Lauderdale.

It's called redistribution of wealth. Get over it.


Christopher Swing
Fri, 10/28/2011 - 4:41pm

Did you find some random stuff on a right-wing blog again, Zank? Just forgot to link it this time?

I thought you were busy cheering on Dan Turkette, Freelance Meter Maid.

Tim Zank
Fri, 10/28/2011 - 7:04pm

Swingles, it's actually a pretty big story. Google "ows and the homeless" and ya get 4,508 related articles.

Here's a link from your side:


Hilarious, absolutely hilarious. Wonder if any of them ever read "Lord Of The Flies"?

Christopher Swing
Fri, 10/28/2011 - 7:33pm

Oh, I see. You think protesters making sure they're taking care of protesters is some kind of bad thing.

Christ, you are an idiot, Zank.

Tim Zank
Fri, 10/28/2011 - 8:46pm

Swingle, They are protesting other peoples "greed" while simultaneously refusing to share their own (donated I might add) bounty.

If that's not ironic nothing is.

Christopher Swing
Fri, 10/28/2011 - 9:31pm

Yeah, everything's black and white for you Zank, no actual room for thought in between for you. Or for actual facts, since there still is sharing going on.

"Swingle?" Really? Do you sit at the keyboard and try and think these things up like they're some sort of vicious payload? Are you in elementary school?

I was going to give you a fun title like T-Zank, but apparently your kid Taylor beat us to that one.

It's a good template though, I think we can go with T-Roll, you're always on a roll, right? XD

Tim Zank
Fri, 10/28/2011 - 10:39pm

Swinger, Yeah my kid is pretty attached to the T-Zank label, it's all his. Feel free to call me whatever you like, lord knows you could use a little something in your life to make you feel better, have at it.

Seriously though, you don't see any contradiction in their behavior? That would have to make you either blindly stupid by ideology or just plain stupid, either way anybody reading through your comments will undoubtedly draw the same conclusion.

Too cold to be out barking at the moon tonight? Have mom make you some cocoa in a thermos if you're going downtown and layer your clothing with an extra Che t-shirt to keep warm! Don't wanna catch cold while changing the course of human history now do we?

Hilarious, just hilarious.

Christopher Swing
Fri, 10/28/2011 - 11:13pm

Oh, silly Tim.

People who have little managing how best to share it is just a bit different from people who have everything doing everything they can not to share at all.

But I suppose if you're desperate for a contradiction, a bad action, anything to make the other side look bad... people like you will find it.

And what are you left with, Tim? Calling me and the OWS people names, hurling insults every chance you get.

And we still don't go away. Oh, how that must annoy you. :D

Here's the thing: Occupy isn't going away. These people aren't going to go home tomorrow and forget all about what's going on.

But you must not get that. Because this is the peaceful protest, and if you do shut it down, the violent protests start.

And I can't imagine even you being dumb enough to want that.

Tim Zank
Sat, 10/29/2011 - 8:51am

Heh.."People who have little managing how best to share it is just a bit different from people who have everything doing everything they can not to share at all."

This is where your argument falls apart, either you believe in the principles or you don't. You are rationalizing by degree, in essence saying, "well, we're not as bad as those guys".

That's why the vast majority think you and your cohorts are dishonest or at the very least completely misguided.

Christopher Swing
Sat, 10/29/2011 - 10:58am

You can't tell those things aren't the same, and therefore aren't degrees, eh?

What vast majority, Zank?

Tim Zank
Sat, 10/29/2011 - 11:17am

Look Swinger, it just keeps getting better!


Tim Zank
Sat, 10/29/2011 - 11:21am

Swingler, let's look locally, you live a metro area with 330,000 other people of which 12 to 15 are actually in a park downtown "protesting"....

Epic fail.

Tim Zank
Sat, 10/29/2011 - 11:27am

The New York faction is actually becoming what it set out to destroy:


Bunch of capitalists looking for tax breaks, too funny.

Tim Zank
Sat, 10/29/2011 - 12:56pm

Swinklet, in r/e Oakland, here's from one of your own:


Admitting bottles were being thrown at cops BEFORE the cops reacted.

The hits just keep comin'!

Tim Zank
Sat, 10/29/2011 - 1:54pm



Feel the love?

Christopher Swing
Sat, 10/29/2011 - 3:34pm

Above Top Secret? Do you have any idea what kind of site you just referenced?

You've gone beyond desperate, Zank.

I think it's funny that you can only see how many people in Fort Wayne are protesting, when Occupy is a worldwide movement. Three or four incidents in New York... how far below the regular level of incidents on any given day for those kind of reports is that for that area?

Speaking of hits coming: http://inothernews.tumblr.com/post/12044332512/scott-olsen-the-iraq-war-veteran-who-was

"Scott Olsen, the Iraq war veteran who was seriously injured by a police projectile during a protest in Oakland, has regained consciousness but

Tim Zank
Sat, 10/29/2011 - 4:22pm

I don't want to stop them Swimple, they aren't in my neighborhood and they aren't doing anything except proving liberalism, communism, socialism and anarchy don't ever work. It's actually helping put a focus on how awful our education system is too, by showcasing the throngs of totally clueless youth out there just desperately wanting to be a part something, anything. It's easy to suck young people into anything, ask Obama.

How much you wanna bet Olsen was hit with a bottle by one of your brethren? When things get more violent who will you blame? The people that actually get violent or the rest of us? I know, the "man". heh....

Just like kids, "but mommy they made me do it"! waaaaaaaaahhhh...

"I didn't want to to throw the bottle through the window but I had to cuz the cops said I couldn't trespass anymore."

We don't care if you morons get violent, have at it. We do feel bad for the cops though, but that's part of the job, protecting us and our property from people like you.

Christopher Swing
Sat, 10/29/2011 - 5:00pm

Wow, Tim. You still can't even address me by name. You've got that childish bully thing down to a science. But then, I suppose you've been honing it since the fourth grade.

I guess you've managed to miss that Occupy isn't made exclusively of young people. There's people of all ages in Occupy, that's not even a point of contention.

It's already been established that Olsen was hit by police the first time. And there's direct video evidence of police using his initial wounding to target others trying to help with their second attack.

Tim Zank
Sat, 10/29/2011 - 6:00pm


Christopher Swing
Sat, 10/29/2011 - 6:20pm

Nope, police don't deny they hit him, medical evidence proved it. There weren't any protesters there with tear gas launchers/beanbag shotguns/rubber bullets, and only something of that force could have caused his injuries.

You can try to deny it, but not even the Oakland cops themselves are.

Then again, you use Above Top Secret as a reliable source (makes a great Tim Zank, Useful Idiot post) -

"...the Internet

Tim Zank
Sat, 10/29/2011 - 7:34pm

Well Crapn' Swing, The police haven't admitted any such thing, no one has been charged, the investigation continues, in short, you lie.

For those of you that prefer statistics and facts that illustrate trends:


Nice group of folks, eh?

Christopher Swing
Sat, 10/29/2011 - 8:03pm

Still with the names. What are you, a little kid hiding behind a computer in Angola?

In short Zank, you're trying to cast doubt where no reasonable doubt exists. Any other UFO conspiracies for us? Maybe an alien abductor threw the mystery bottle that somehow manages to do the same damage as police projectile weapons?

And speaking of lying, you link to a Breitbart site, a notoriously "nice" group of folks... who have a list of things that isn't actually a rap sheet, it's just of a list of things (not all of which are even crimes) that may or may not be linked to OWS, even if they're true.

But then again, Breitbart.

ATS and a Breitbart site. You're not even looking at the places you're dragging these links from, are you? You're just using Google for automated bias confirmation. Plug in any set of words you want, you're going to find some sites that give you what you want to believe.

Because as you illustrate, any fool can spout whatever they want on the Internet.

Tim Zank
Sat, 10/29/2011 - 8:24pm

Doncha hate it when you look foolish?

Christopher Swing
Sat, 10/29/2011 - 8:28pm

I'm not the one linking to UFO conspiracy sites and Breitbart sites, Tim.

Current headline above your ATS link: "One Mega Watt E-Cat Cold Fusion Device Test Successful!"


Tim Zank
Sat, 10/29/2011 - 8:51pm

Why aren't you downtown with your brethren? I thought you were dedicated? They need your help, you're letting them down. Get out there and fight the man!!!!!

Take your Che jammies too, it's cold outside!!

Does it bother you at all that at this point in time, right now in your life, it's probably as good for you as it will ever get? That would just depress the hell out of most people.

Christopher Swing
Sat, 10/29/2011 - 8:59pm

What makes you think you know where I am?

Christopher Swing
Sat, 10/29/2011 - 9:03pm

(For some reason, the site isn't taking something in my comment. I'll just try and figure out what it is, I guess, since the site isn't smart enough to let me know what's wrong.)

"Does it bother you at all that at this point in time, right now in your life, it

Tim Zank
Sat, 10/29/2011 - 9:12pm

I bet $100 you aren't downtown with the folks at the "protest"! You're "fighting the man" somewhere comfy aren't you? Where's your sense of honor man, get out there and bark at the moon and fight the man!! Get in a drum circle dude!!

Christopher Swing
Sat, 10/29/2011 - 9:17pm

Pfft. So lame, Tim. Whether I'm there or not at the moment, the point is we're keeping people there. And no amount of lame mockery from you on the internet is going to change that. :D

Easy enough for you to talk smack from W. Country Club Drive, and not to anyone's face, I know. Being the gutless internet bully you are and all. XD

Tim Zank
Sat, 10/29/2011 - 9:37pm

Are you trying to spook me by disclosing my sons name, my town, now my address etc? Is this your way of trying to intimidate those with whom you disagree? Nice try, it's not intimidating, just creepy.

Christopher Swing
Sat, 10/29/2011 - 9:49pm

Hey, suddenly the dumb names stop and the respect level goes up when you realize you're talking to a real human being on the other end of this thing. Apparently you can act like a grownup when you realize you're not completely anonymous.

(Actually, I googled T-Zank out of respect for anyone who might be legit using the name for something, the actual connection was just a coincidence to hilarious to ignore. Your kid shouldn't suffer for you being a jerk, but I think it's funny he likely agrees less with you and more with Occupy.)
