Indiana and Indianapolis leaders are urging people to make New Year's resolutions this year that will help them get on solid financial ground.
Secretary of State Todd Rokita, State Treasurer Richard Mourdock, Indianapolis officials and financial experts are urging residents to develop "financial fitness" goals for 2010. Officials say a financial fair Tuesday in Indianapolis will help people set up their resolutions and find ways to make them happen.
Then, once you're financially squared away, you can work on health and fitness:
Melissa Maulding, registered dietitian and training specialist for Purdue Extension Nutrition Education Programs, said many people make healthy New Year's resolutions every year.
She said as a general population we are very aware of our need to improve our health in the areas of diet and exercise.
"The New Year is always a time to try again," she said.
I don't mean to make light of New Year's resolutions. I did go through the usual youthful rebellion against them -- wasting time on wishful thinking, blah, blah, blah -- but finally came to see the value in them. They force us to pause at least once a year to measure the pluses and minuses of our lives, peek into all the cracks and crevices and take note of the missed opportunities and neglected paths. Even if nothing specific and tangible is accomplished, the exercise at a minimum makes us (or at least should) aware of our own limitations and potentials.
But I think they have to start with us, not with some expert peddling a particular cause. That usually is a waste of time on wishful thinking.
I've always been one to "check" my life on a fairly daily basis...but I do agree with you there.
We don't need some "snake-oil salesmen" trying to pitch nonsense to us, and we certainly do NOT need it shoved down our pieholes.
Dirty Harry said it first (and perhaps best) in Magnum Force:
"A man's GOT to know his limitations."
If Secretary Rokita wants to offer financial advice he should take out a full page ad (at his own expense) that says in large print:
If you want to be financially secure, study the fiscal responsibility shown by every single branch of government from the townships on up to the White House nationwide. Then do the EXACT OPPOSITE.
I don't make New Year's resolutions because I've never known anybody who actually kept one.
Starting Jan. 1, I will begin every day with a bowl of brown rice and 25 push-ups. Yeah, right.
People should make resolutions that are easy to keep. For example, I resolve not to drink any scotch that is less than six years old. Now we're talking.
Finally Littlejohn, something we can agree on!
Cheers, Tim!
I'm sure we can find others.
For example, which is your stance: Less filling, or tastes great?
Dewey and Russell spent decades feuding over this one, until Ayer pointed out that Russell was wearing mismatched socks, then gave him a wedgie. I hope it never comes to that between us. Just to be safe, I've stopped wearing underpants.
Hey you kids! Get off my lawn!