Well, a lot of us could have told the researchers this:
A study has revealed that women endowed with emotional intelligence have superior sex lives because of their skill at expressing themselves and empathising with their partner. Researchers at King's College London asked 2,000 female twins about their sex lives and concluded that brains are the key to bliss in the boudoir.
Bright women apparently have twice as many orgasms as their peers, which of course makes perfect sense; the ability to bark, "No, for heaven's sake, not like that! There, over there!" in four languages is pretty much a guarantee of great sex on an international scale.
Though smart women may have more fun in bed, it is harder to get them there in the first place. They are always listening to our pickup lines and flirtations skeptically, and they don't grade on the curve.
A lot of people have been having fun with this survey, and now that I've had mine, at least one person has to confess that the fun is based on a misunderstanding -- either deliberate or out of ignorance -- of the findings. The research tried to measure women with "emotional intelligence," which is akin to maturity, not basic smarts.
On word, Leo...
(he gets it)