So, Citilink is getting $4 million from the $787 billion stimulus package for 14 new vehicles, including seven hybrids. That will be "greener," and there could be some fuel savings, which is fine. But the money can't be used to increase servive, which means no new hiring:
"We're looking at this as a one-time windfall. We've got to spend it or lose it,” (General Manager Ken) Housden said.
Well. not exactly, because:
"We want to spend these funds so we can get more,” Housden said. “If (Congress) is going to spend that much money, it might as well at least be in Fort Wayne.”
Can't exactly blame Housden for feeling that way. It's human nature. Gov. Mitch Daniels has said much the same thing about the state using stimulus funds, and I've defended it on occasion as a reational response. But it's the kind of attitude that allows the government to grow beyond reason, and it should be resisted.
This city (along with many others) COULD have had LNG or LPG buses as far back as the late 1970s...
Wonder why it didn't happen THEN?
Makes 'ya think...
Leo, that as Mark Souder's answer to my response on 10-31-2008 when I stated someone has to be the first to just say no to earmarks." Until politicians stop this sort of appropriations, until voters require more of their elected representatives or until we have leaders instead of followers, our country will sink further into ruin.
More buses mean more rolling miles. CitiLink will now put more pressure on the Fort Wayne taxpayer to keep our ridiculously subsidized bus service rolling. The only stimulus will occur at the bus manufacturer's location which will benefit from an extra week or two for their production line.
Hasn't your bus service in Ft Wayne pretty much been a loser for over 30-some odd years? Seems to me I don't recall it has ever been profitable or solvent, has it?
I dunno, Tim....there MUST be some sort of ridership here...
Seems to be more than a few brave souls that must LIKE the odor of freshly urninated clothing, not to mention the other smarmy flotsam that frequent the buses provided to make your ride more "enjoyable".
I can honestly say that in 12 years here, I have NEVER taken ANY bus (with good reason), and that's from a (former) DAILY public transit rider from Philly.
(must be the cops w/ K-9s patrolling the transit lines THERE)
And in some parts of Ft. Wayne, it's not even safe in your damn CAR, let alone any bus.
Got too many folks in DENIAL here (which still ain't just a river in Egypt)
Bobby, I'm surprised the Obambi stimulus doesn't provide cab fair on your end of town! ha!
I do not know the numbers for Citilink- but I am pretty sure that EVERY public tranportation systme operates in the red. They are not designed to "make money" or to even cover costs- they are providing a service that is necessary in a large community.
WAY back before the SEPTA system took over for the former transit system in Philly, the PTC actually DID make money...that was why they were able to expand to the suburbs the way they did.
When the governement allowed SEPTA to "acquire" all these smaller transit systems in and around Philly (from the 1960s-1970s), THAT'S when the newly enlarged company began to LOSE money.
And it's been bleeding ever since.
Moral: If it's small and makes money, don't mess with it.
Don't you just love the standard description for bad management always provided by Democrats?
To wit: "They are not designed to
Bus service in most smaller communities, unless you are in the NYC corridor for commuters, was never really intended to make money. I remember some of those then PTC meetings where it was said it would cost about an $8-9 fare if you wanted the bus company to make money, as opposed to the $1 being charged at that time. If you want it to make money, than it will close shop without subsidies, if nothing else because of our love affair with the car. So then fork over $30-$40 subsidized cab fares for the poor, handicapped, unemployed and downtrodden to get to the clinic, to apply for jobs, or to get to the grocery, if you believe that's a better solution. Unless you think an even better solution is to say "screw them, let them hitch hike."
You live in a world where you believe everyone is well off...sad...very, very sad.
Nah, I think Tim just believes that people (or a business, or even a government, for that matter), either SUCCEED or FAIL based on their own merits, perspicacity, and persistence, and not by being given (or handing out) entitlements to "level the playing field".
After all, we DO have the (Constitutional) RIGHT to life, liberty and the PURSUIT of happiness...not a GUARANTEE that we're going to GET that happiness, right?
It all comes down to each and every one of us.
(at least it sure used to)
Thanks BG..
Kevin sez "You live in a world where you believe everyone is well off
Thought so.
It always amazes me how clueless you guys are about reality.