All those who've talked about "downtown development" have stressed the importance of reaching some magic tipping point where there are enough people to make attractions worthwhile and enough attractions to draw the people. No one ever seems sure about how to get to that point -- people first or attractions first or a little of this, a little of that? -- but the condo part of Harrison Square was at least meant to address the people part of the equation. But the 62 unit-version was downsized by half, and now there's talk of scaling back even further:
New artist renderings show scaled-back plans for 17 condo units.
[. . .]
The new plans are just an option and haven't been set in stone.
[. . .]
Fort Wayne officials have said the city has not been presented with or accepted any design changes to the condo project.
Well, I hope not. Any city official who "accepts" this should be run out of town. A 17-unit condo complex as part of a mixed-use grand plan to rejuvenate downtown? Are they actually serious? If something isn't coming off as planned, you don't just keep downsizing it and hope for the best. It's time get on with the baseball-diamond part and rethink the rest of it.
To think that *IF* the city waited ONLY SIX MONTHS LONGER to green-light this "project", none of this would have taken place...(no one foresaw the pending economic crisis).
And we'd all be the more wiser for that, not to mention the city would have a pocketbook that would be a tad "heavier".
Seems Greg Leatherman has a new sign on his office door:
(or is that just his "Indian" name?)
A majority of Fort Wayne citizens were apparently prescient enough to vote down a half-billion dollar school rebuilding initiative which, for all we know, may have included investment in some of the very financial vehicles which subsequently imploded and left some other communities' school corporation portfolios with zilch. Unfortunately, in the case of Fort Wayne downtown "revitalization," the wheels were more quitely greased in order to get the latest white elephant parade under way.
People go to the outlying malls to perambulate, socialize, and shop. Long ago, it's what they used to do downtown. I suspect that's what would bring them back.