My other favorite TV experience of the last two days was the clip, showed over and over again, of President Obama's one-handed fly kill, followed by the exclamation, "I got the sucka." Naturally, PETA can't let something like this go by -- the wanton cruelty followed by such pride in the kill:
Bruce Friedrich, VP for Policy at PETA, has said, “We support compassion for the even the smallest animals. We support giving insects the benefit of the doubt."
PETA sent the President a Katcha Bug, a device that apparently lets you catch bugs and then release them into the wild. It's, of course, available from the PETA cataloge for $8.
Of course PETA knows it sounds ridiculous, but such ridiculousness gets it the publicity it wants, so PETA has to be counted a winner in this round, too. Glad I can be of some help.
What's been overlooked by many in this controversy is that the insect murder victim deceased fly was just one of many flies plaguing the White House in a mysterious infestation. I'm entriely smpathetic to the president on this one. I live in an old house, too, and have my own infestation. Mine is ants, though. I've considered giving the critters "the benefit of the doubt," but such leniency would be seen as weakness by the ants, who are already violating a prime law of civilization, which declares, "People inside, ants outside." And every dead ant is an ant that can't recruit fellow insects to terrorize the house. Wonder what PETA would think if Obama had captured the fly and turned it over to the CIA for "enhanced interrogation techniques" aimed at discovering the cause of the mysterious infestation.
...Damn shame Obama could pull a DEREK FLINT and use his blowgun-ballpoint to nail that "sucka" to a nearby record time to boot.
I miss THOSE days.