About two-thirds of the way through the story about the Shawnee Middle School student who took a gun and 13-round clip to school is this disturbing detail:
The incident stemmed from a group of students, including the one who brought the gun, being harassed outside the Boys & Girls Club on Fairfield Avenue last week by some boys, one with a gun, the report said.
Following that, the students went to one of their homes to get a gun from his mother's bedroom. When they went back to find the other boys, they couldn't find them, the report said. So instead, they brought the gun to school the next day. The boy's father contacted the school's administrator Sunday to report his son had had the gun.
Sounds like there could have been a gun battle between 12- and 13-year-olds in front of the Boys & Girls Club if those other boys had been there. The father did the right thing and reported that his son had taken the gun to school, but how responsible was he in the first place to leave it where his son could get at it? Guys like him make it tough on Second Amendment defenders. And a kid with a gun outside the Boys & Girls Club? I hope the people in charge there are paying attention.