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Now, this is really sexting

Brave new world:

BLOOMIINGTON - Indiana University researchers have re-released a smartphone application that allows people to report their sexual behaviors after taking steps to protect users' privacy.

IU said in a news release Wednesday that it has released the free Kinsey Reporter app. University attorneys had pulled the plug on it last September.

The app is used to answer surveys on topics ranging from public displays of affection to birth control and sexual violence.  Data is available at www.kinseyreporter.org .

The Kinsey Institute has frequently been criticized for shoddy research and questionable findings. This doesn't seem likely to improve things. People will have to volunteer to report their sexual behavior, which means the survey sample will be automatically skewed to those more candid and less inhibited about sexual matters. I'd think it would also encourage a certain amount of, shall we say, stretching the truth.
