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Opening Arguments

It's decided, so shut up

So, Eric Holder goes to Ferguson and tells stories about all the times he was racially profiled and then :

The attorney general said Wednesday that he understands why many black Americans do not trust police and that he has experienced many of the same frustrations.

Then he meets with the parents of the young man who was killed, but not with the relatives of the cop accused of killing him. That rather sends a message, doesn't it?

Was Gov. Nixon sending the same one?

Gov. Jay Nixon, D-Mo., called Tuesday for “a vigorous prosecution” in response to the Aug. 9 police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.

But a spokesman for Nixon says the comment was misinterpreted and the governor isn't calling for police officer Darren Wilson to be prosecuted for killing the unarmed teen.

“The governor’s comments yesterday were not intended to indicate prejudgment in this matter," said Nixon press secretary Scott Holste in an emailed statement.

Oh, no, no, just meant "carry out your duties," not hang the guy without a trial. Right. Case closed, then. Move along, move along, nothing to see here.
