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If it's Tuesday, this must be Indiana

In its "Weekly scorecard" feature on the Saturday editorial page, the Journal Gazette put this item on Richard Lugar in the Tossups catetory instead of the Losers category:

The senator’s lack of a true residence in Indiana is legal – but it looks bad in an election year, particularly after disclosures that taxpayers paid for his hotel rooms when he visited the Hoosier state.

I suppose it would have made him a Loser if not having "true residence in Indiana" were illegal instead of merely something that "looks bad in an election year." As Lugar and his people have said, not really living in the state you represent and having to stay in hotel rooms when you visit is sort of standard operating procedure, so why're you picking on me? Sad, but true. And taxpayers foot the bill for just about everything these people do, so why squawk over a few lousy dollars for hotel rooms?




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