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OK, you win; what next?



If the Supreme Court chucks ObamaCare entirely, which looks increasingly likely, Republicans will finally have a chance to redefine the debate. But only if they get educated and put together reform ideas now.

If the court rejects ObamaCare, Democratic strategist James Carville said this week, "then the Republican Party will own the health care system for the foreseeable future." He meant it as a warning; in fact, it's a historic opportunity.

For too long, Democrats have defined the health care issue, depicting the U.S. system as an unfettered market where costs run wild, insurers rip off consumers and deny coverage to tens of millions, and big-government "reforms" are desperately needed. None of it is true.

It's easy be against something, especially an abomination like Obamacare. It's a little more work to present a credible alternative. As the editorial notes, many of the flaws in the health care system have been exaggerated or misstated, so the Republicans' first job would be to present a cogent descriptuion of the situation as it really exists.


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