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You remember how reality TV star Amber Postwood of "16 and Pregnant" and "Teen Mom" was arrested when one of the episodes showed here slapping, choking and kicking the rather of her daughter while the child was present. Now she has violated probation and is in jail, and she says it was on purpose:

A former reality TV star from Indiana who is now in prison said in a jailhouse interview with ABC News that she chose to go to jail in hopes that it will straighten out her life.

[. . .]

The judge has recommended Portwood undergo drug treatment in prison.

Portwood told ABC that she felt she had created a prison within her own mind. "I was very depressed. I was alone. I was bitter at everybody," Portwood said. "I didn't feel like that was the life that I wanted to live."

My life is screwed up and I can't deal with it, so I need to be confined so I can't help but change my habits. That is twisted, sister. Anybody think this is going to turn her live around?

Speaking of reality shows, did you see this bizarre plan of a Dutch startup company that plans to fund an ambitious trip to colonize Mars with a reality TV show?

. . . the Mars One colonists should expect to remain there for the rest of their lives, though the project website notes, “this is no way excludes the possibility of a return flight at some point in the future.” The settlers will have to hope that once Mars is sufficiently populated and developed, it will be “much easier to build the returning rocket there.” How comforting.

Still, even with the simplified logistics of a one-way trip, the Mars One project will still carry a hefty price tag—an estimated $6 billion for the initial four astronauts. To raise the cash, Mars One co-founder Bas Lansdorp plans on “creating the biggest media event ever.”

"To attract sponsors, we will create appealing media content around the selection of the astronauts, the training, unmanned missions and other topics," said Lansdorp in an interview with Gizmag. "This should convince sponsors and investors to participate with the promise of an even bigger exposure later: we expect that almost every person on Earth will witness the landing of the first astronauts on Mars."

Lansdorp imagines that the reality show would continue long after the buzz surrounding the initial launch has subsided, as “many people will tune in a couple of times per week to see how 'our people on Mars' are doing.”

More power to that Dutch company -- it's nice to know that someone is planning a trip to the Red Planet. But is to to further human knowledge? To advance the cause of science? Even to exploit the natural resources of Mars to make a ton of money? Nope. It'll be one big reality TV show. What a time we live in.

Some oberservers have noted that some people will do anything to get on TV. Guess this will really test that theory. Our Mars colonists will undoubedly gain the fame they seek, but they won't be here to enjoy the benefits. Bummer.


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