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Sorry I can't join you for that Mayan Apocalypse thingy on Friday. My ride is here:

A Delphi, IN, parent may not be joking around about aliens anymore after driving home from a UFO sighting and then hearing one of the children say, "Mom, they're here," as the triangle-shaped object was now hovering over their home, according to December 17, 2012, testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The incident occurred beginning about 7:30 p.m. on December 14, 2012, when the woman and her two daughters were leaving Delphi and heading back to their home in the country. They were the only car on the rural roadway when they noticed blue, red and white lights in the sky.

Rural road. No other people around. No photos. Darn. We were that close to having the proof we've always wanted.

Indiana has only a 5 UFO Alert rating, by the way, which means a very low number of sightings (only 10 compared with 69 in highest-rated California). Not sure whether that's got or bad.


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