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Drop and give me 10, Fido

Dear God in Heaven, does it never stop?

During her Google Hangout today, First Lady Michelle Obama reminded the audience that dogs need a proper diet and exercise, just like children do.

The First Lady admitted that President Obama liked to tease their own dog, “Bo” for being lazy, but that they encouraged her girls to take him on walks.

“Dogs are no different,” Michelle Obama explained to a woman on the chat. “You want to make sure they are eating a balanced diet, and if they are not an active dog, make sure that their food is reflective of an inactive dog and then get them out there and throw that ball and get them running.”

Obviously this is a hard problem to get a handle on, and certainly people can't be trusted to monitor their own dogs' diet and exercise routines. The American Action Forum has estimated that new federal regulations aimed at snack foods and drinks served in schools could cost schools $127 million and require more than 926,000 hours of paperwork. I'm sure we could get the job done for dogs for $50 million and 250,000 hours of paperwork.

She seems to be neglecting cats and cat owners here. Not sure if I should be glad she's leaving us alone or offended that she doesn't seem to care about us.


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