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You know, I'd hang onto them if I were you

Lordy, Lordy:

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (www.incnow.tv) – Confidentiality is the idea behind Gun Amnesty Day, an event coming up next weekend where FWPD will collect guns.

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Next Saturday (April 20), you can head to 2135 S. Hanna Street, at the Urban League parking lot, and turn in any ammunition and or guns, no questions asked.

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Police say the goal is not to disarm the innocent or law-abiding people by collecting guns, but to make the community safer.

That is such a relief, that we won't be having one of those nefarious Gun Amnesty Days deseigned to disarm the innocent or law-abiding people but instead will have one of the genius Gun Amnesty Days designed to get the guns away from evil and demented people while leaving the rest of us to enjoy our constitutional rights in peace. Of course, one of the genius plans will work only if our evil and demented people are more conscientious and community minded than the evil and demented people in other communities, and aren't we lucky that is so!


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