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Highly doubtful

From The Associated Press, a poll I wouldn't put much stock in:

Still, a few questions discover 90 percent agreement, or close to it.

Americans nearly all:

—believe in God.

—are very patriotic.

—consider preventing terrorism a very important foreign policy goal.

—admire those who get rich by working hard.

—think society should ensure everyone has equal opportunity to succeed.

—think it’s important to get more than a high school education.

—favor teaching sex education in public schools.

—find birth control morally acceptable.

—believe cloning humans would be morally wrong.

—believe it’s wrong for married people to have affairs.

—are interested in keeping up with national affairs.

—believe it’s their duty to always vote.

Some of these beliefs are things most people want to be seen having, whether they dor or not, like partriotism and a belief in God. Some of the findings are demonstrably false. Obviously, 90 percent of Americans do not vote. And you have to watch only one episode of Jay Walking on Leno's Tomight show to be highly suspicious of the 90 percent who say they are interested in keeping up with national affairs.

Posted in: Current events


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