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Courtesy's cost

I'm reluctant to cast doubt on the veracity of a total stranger, but this sounds like bunk to me:

When Gloria C. Mackenzie claimed her $590.5 million Powerball jackpot, she released a statement revealing that another woman "was kind enough" to allow her to cut in line when she purchased the winning ticket.

That woman, Mindy Crandell, 34, is not upset that her charitable gesture likely cost her an enormous fortune and says "things are meant to be for a reason."

Crandell, of Zephyrhills, Fla., was in line to purchase lottery tickets in Publix on May 18 while tending to one of her two daughters, when Mackenzie, 84, stepped in front of her.

"My 10-year-old said, 'Mom, There's a lady in front of us.'  I noticed that the lady was there.  Didn't pay a lot of mind to it," Crandall said.

The lady at the counter stopped Mackenzie to allow Crandell to reclaim her spot in line.  Crandell declined the offer and told Mackenzie "go ahead."  It was a move that could have potentially cost the Crandells the $590.5 million Powerball ticket.  Mackenzie purchased one Quick Pick ticket and left the store.

When you give up your bus seat to an old lady and she finds a dollar on the floor, OK. When you buy a car at full price one day and it goes on sale the next, maybe. But when your courtesy costs you $590.5 billion? Don't think so.

And, sorry, Mindy, but things are not always "meant to be for a reason." Often the universe is simply indifferent to us, and things happen for no reason at all.

Posted in: Current events


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