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What heels

What is this, 1953?

A new Southern California restaurant is making newswith a strict dress code that requires women customers to wear heels. 

According to the Riverside Press-Enterprise, ProAbition posted an online announcement about its June 15 grand opening which included a dress code that made its footwear options for women extremely limited:

 "Ladies: No flat shoes or sandals. Must have heels."  

The dress code did however make exception for injury although it was not clear if a doctor's note would be necessary for proof of an ankle sprain, corn, or bunion.

Many potential female patrons took to social media to express their dismay which caused the restaurant to walk back its policy: 

"As a business, we pay very close attention to our guests' feedback. We had been receiving feedback on all fronts. That's when we decided maybe we need to re-adjust this and not be so strict about this one particular item."

I've never even liked the "men must wear jacket and tie" restaurants, so this is just plain silly.


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