Wow, no hyperbole here, huh?
Fort Wayne City Council members Tuesday approved increasing the local option income tax from 1 percent to 1.35 percent, a move they said was necessary to pay for critical gaps in police, fire, parks and roads.
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Mayor Tom Henry praised the measure, which was a compromise from one his administration pushed to close an expected budget gap for 2014. He said the new revenue will not only sustain the city but position it for success.
"Fort Wayne City Council tonight voted favorably on one of the most important initiatives in the history of the city of Fort Wayne," Henry said in a written statement. "By investing in ourselves, we're saying we're committed to a great quality of life, tremendous neighborhoods, new jobs, and business growth."
But what can you expect from a politician who calls a tax increase "investing in ourselves"? One of the most important initiatives? Ever? Nah. If the council had voted for the city to live withing its means and give taxpayers a break, that would have bbeen truly historic.