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Resistance is futile

Might as well send invitations to the burglars and assorted creeps -- "No resistance here":

CASTLE ROCK - Retired Marine Art Dorsch says his Second Amendment rights are in danger.

His apartment complex, the Oakwood Apartments in Castle Rock, sent out a notice telling all residents to get rid of their guns.

The 77-year-old retired US Marine Corps veteran sent a newstip to 9Wants to Know saying he's afraid he'll be homeless if he doesn't comply.

The letter went out to residents on August 1 and says they have until October 1 to comply with updated "community policies."

On page 2 is a brand new provision saying "firearms and weapons are prohibited."

"It upsets me very much," Dorsch said.

As of October 1, residents cannot display, use, or possess any firearms or weapons of any kind, anywhere on the property.

They might have trouble with that "weapons of any kind" part. Couldn't just about anything be a weapon?

But as misguided as this policy might be, the management is perfectly free to do it, since the Second Amendment only prohibits governments from infringing the right to bear arms. Property owners have the freedom to have stupid rules for their property. On the other hand, it could be an interesting court case. Indiana businesses have the right to control those businesses, we have always assumed. But the General Assembly told them they have to allow people to have guns in their locked trunks of their cars while they are parked in company parking lots, whether that's something they agree to or no.


CASTLE ROCK - A controversial gun policy at an apartment complex for seniors has been thrown out after a 9Wants to Know report.

The Douglas County Housing Partnership, a multi-jurisdictional housing authority, held an emergency board of directors meeting late Wednesday afternoon.

Board members decided that the policy, which would have prohibited residents from having firearms in their homes, will not go into effect.

That was quick. When in doubt, bitch about it.


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