This was much ado about nothing, eh?
The Anthony Wayne Statue will remain at Freimann Square following a deal made Tuesday between the City of Fort Wayne and the Allen County Courthouse Preservation Trust.
Al Moll, Parks & Recreation Department director, announced to City Council the withdrawal of a proposal to move the statue from Freimann Square to the Allen County Courthouse as a result of the agreement.
The deal calls for the Preservation Trust to pay for about $100,000 worth of improvements to the area surrounding the statue. The improvements will include trimming back trees, adding new lighting and partially refurbishing the Revolutionary War general sitting upon his horse.
Or, "Mayor Stubborn finally gives in on something." Of, cour he did manage to extort negotiate $100,000 out of the Preservation Trust, so maybe he was being more clever than I give him credit for. After all that tree trimming (which was the obvious "solution" to the "problem" in the first place), we will be able to see Mad Anthony as we zoom by in our cars. Heaven forbid we should park them and stroll through that lovely setting.