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A war-weary nation

Seriously? In all of our history?

Washington (CNN) – Support for the war in Afghanistan has dipped below 20%, according to a new national poll, making the country's longest military conflict arguably its most unpopular one as well.

I think it's a mistake to label anything as the most or worst or best of anything based on what a handful of people tell a pollster. And I don't think it's enough just to measure the percentage of those not supporting a war; intensity matters, too. My memories of all the passionate demonstrations against Vietnam tell me that war was a more unpopular. I think nowadays, with a Democrat in the White House instead of that evil George W. Bush, the press has mostly ignored Afghanistan, so the American public doesn't get a daily dose of it. If I had to guess the prevailing attitude toward the war, I'd say indifference.

And what about the Civil War? Polling was not the ubiquitous force then that it is now, but I expect that conflict was pretty darned unpopular, what with it tearing apart the country and affecting almost every family in one way or another.


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