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Yo, Will, congrats

Happy 450th birthday to William Shakespeare, if indeed this is the day, if indeed he is the guy:

How will you celebrate? May I recommend searching for some word — search here — and telling us in the comments what word you searched for and what you found that was interesting? I decided to search for "America," and it appears only once in all of Shakespeare, in "The Comedy of Errors."

I chose "politician," since I've spent most of my adult life writing about government and politics. I got four hits. This one, from "King Lear," is my favorite.

Get thee glass eyes
And, like a scurvy politician, seem
To see the things thou dost not.

Yep, scurvy, glass-eyed politicians. Heh. At least he didn't say, "First, we kill all the politicians."

That search site is a pretty cool place, "OpenSourceShakespeare," which has all the plays, sonnets and poems as well as a concordance. You can even add the site to your mobile device and add a Shakespeare search box to your browser.


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