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Duty, honor, blah, blah, blah

No, jerkwad, they join to protect the interests of this country and serve unworthy idiots like you:

ESPN’s Colin Cowherd went off on a rant today about Americans who do and do not, in his view, deserve his “sympathies.”

Those who do not include those who choose to smoke, eat fast food or drink “13 cokes” every day. “That’s on you,” Cowherd said, delivering a sentiment that many Americans would probably agree with.

Cowherd says that he does “sympathize” with Americans who enlist in the military, because of the reasons he believes they join.

“My sympathy goes to the military members in this country,” Cowherd said toward the end of Tuesday’s show. “Socio-economically, no choices, paid almost nothing, lose a limb, lose a life. That, I feel sympathy for.”

[. . .]

Cowherd wasn’t finished. He also said that police and firemen don’t join out of a sense of duty.

“What fireman becomes a fireman knowing that at some point he will at some point run into a house that’s burning?” Cowherd asked rhetorically. “It’s dangerous!”

I think this is called projection. He wouldn't risk anything for something as silly as protecting the country or serviving his community, so he can't imagine anyone else doing it, either. when I was in the Army there were people there who had no choice. They were called draftees.


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