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The kids just won't believe it when we tell them to be careful online because stuff stays there forever, will they?

Kaitlyn Walls was excited to find work; however, she was not as excited about her place of employment, which was a daycare center in Texas. Walls says she's a single mother and was trying to get out on her own.

She posted on Facebook, "I start my new job today but I absolutely hate working at a day care. I just really hate being around a lot of kids."

The post spread quickly with many attacking her on Facebook and her employer told her to not bother coming in for her first day.

"I actually cried it really hurt because I wasn't trying to offend anybody ever," said Walls.

"Venting." Yeah, been there, done that. I wasd the kid who said awful things about the principal only to discover he was standing right behind me. Lord knows what trouble I would have gotten into if Facebook had been around them.


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