A tip for all you citizen journalists out on the Internet. It's easy to add reporting to your blog if the news drops on your doorstep. This mishap happened right outside the Fort Wayne Newspapers building early this afternoon, and I snapped it on the way to lunch about 12:30. The semi had trouble negotiating the corner at Broadway and Main and dragged the traffic light and street sign a block east on Main before the driver stopped. We've been having a big controversy in town over what to do about truck routes, which are designed both to ease the flow of commerce and separate, as much as possible, traffic and residential areas. Hmmm.
This crash illustrates the difficulties faced by newspapers today. It happened a little too late for the afternoon paper. By the time the morning paper comes out, it will have been posted here for hours and hours, strictly old news. And I could have put it on within minutes of the incident if I hadn't decided to have lunch and do some chores first. (I should have pointed this out for the earlier photos I posted, but, in case you don't know, you can see a much bigger version of the picture by clicking on it.)