It's interesting to read insults about me on other blogs, but those are usually just quickly penned shots from the hip. B.J. Paschal, a Ball State University professor emeritus whose liberal rants we publish sometimes on the editorial page, takes the time to write a whole column insulting me:
Why do I really object to Morris' pessimism that is oh, so conservative? It keeps voters away from the polls. And Republicans benefit, that's why.
We no longer live in an ideological age as Morris implied; we live in a tactical age when it comes to politics, which seems to be true all over the world.
I don't know why voters would stay away from the polls because of my pessimism, but I'm happy to do whatever I can. Paschal is incorrect that we no longer live in an ideological age. Alas, the wrong ideology is in the ascendancy, which is what makes me pessimistic and, he could have added, nearly cynical.