It is to laugh -- I scoff at your silly hockey cup! It means nothing to me:
It seems Tiger Woods isn't much of a hockey fan.
Woods, the world's No. 1 golfer, told reporters Monday that he had no preference when it comes to who captures the Stanley Cup, the Detroit Red Wings or Pittsburgh Penguins.
"I don't really care," he said. "Let's talk about the Dodgers.
"I don't think anybody really watches hockey any more."
Well, that last line went a little too far. It is presumptuous to suggest that one's taste in sports or anything else is shared by the multitudes. But I'm with him in spirit. I don't watch hockey -- never have. I just don't get it. Do I have to leave Fort Wayne now? But watching golf on TV isn't exactly the most thrilling thing in the world, either. I'm reminded on the scene from "The Andy Griffith Show" where Andy and Barney sit around for five or 10 minutes talking about walking to the gas station to get a bottle of pop.