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Yard work

The neighbors are complaining, which is why this is a story. But it seems sort of creative to me:

Jim Downs and Pat O'Brien said they did not want to cause a controversy when they covered their Merrillville front lawn with green indoor/outdoor carpeting.

[. . .]

"The senior citizens claim the yard's incline makes the space too difficult for the 72-year-old Downs and 62-year-old O'Brien to mow. The landscape service they used last season is no longer in business.

The couple did not want the yard to become overgrown and unsightly with weeds as summer wears on and they don't want to have to worry about the space if they decide to go away for a few days.

I've never understood people who are obsessed with their lawns and shrubs and such. As far as I'm concerned, a yard is just something to separate my house from the street and the other houses. I've toyed with the idea of just paving it and painting it green.


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