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Keepin' us down, man

That casino Mayor Tom Henry wanted to snag for Fort Wayne? Ain't gonna happen:

A bill that would have allowed one of two Gary riverboat casino licenses to be transferred to northeastern Indiana fizzled in a Senate committee Thursday and is likely dead this session.

[. . .]

Senate Appropriations Chairman Robert Meeks, R-LaGrange, filed a bill that would have allowed one of the licenses to be transferred to Steuben County in the far northeastern corner of Indiana. Part of Meeks' district includes the county, which borders Michigan and Ohio.
Meeks' committee took testimony on the bill Thursday and then amended it so it would only let people in Steuben County and those in the city of Fort Wayne in Allen County vote on whether a casino should be allowed in their areas. The committee approved the amendment, but the modified bill then died when nobody would offer a second motion needed to vote on it.

Those rotten legislators! Now, Fort Wayne won't be able to reap the fabulous windfall from casino gambling and use the money to make the city a paradise. Like, you know, Gary.


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