"Quick, rush me to Parkview!"
"Are you in pain, sir? Feel dizzy?"
"No, Dummy. The first inning is about to start."
It is said that baseball fans will find more than a name change:
Fitness activities, blood drives, cholesterol and blood screenings, and healthier menu choices will be just a few of the features when Parkview Field opens next year in Harrison Square. The city's public/private $125 million downtown revitalization project at Jefferson Boulevard and Harrison Street also includes condominiums, a hotel, retail space and a parking garage.
Hardball Capital, the Atlanta-based owner of the soon-to-be-renamed Wizards, announced Thursday that Parkview Health has bought naming rights to the stadium for $3 million over 10 years.
Not sure about that. Aren't baseball fans who actually attend games mostly temporarily ambulatory couch potatoes? Think they want to do aerobics between innings?