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The pro speaks

Guess that silly "Is Sarah Palin experienced enough?" debate is over:

Former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura, who flirted with running for president as an independent, tells Newsmax that Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is too inexperienced to serve as vice president.

“Now here she is, after not even having been there for two years, she's now going to be the VP!?” asked the 57-year-old actor and former pro wrestler.

“I can tell you, after two years of being governor, you still don't always fully understand being governor. And now she's going to be a heartbeat away from a man who already had cancer, and he's 73 years old.

I believe you, Jesse, honestly, that, after two years, you didn't "always fully understand being governor." But at least be smart enough to know when you're projecting. Being mayor is just like pro wrestling, except, of course, that it's real.


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