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Shut up, Holden

It has seemed like "The Catcher in the Rye" would go on forever, with each new generation discovering and identifying with the alienated Holden Caufield. But, apparently, the current generation of young men is fed up with the whiny little brat:

Yesterday's New York Times gave us an article about the demise of Holden's appeal in the minds of the young.  One teacher says, “Holden's passivity is especially galling and perplexing to many present-day students...In general, they do not have much sympathy for alienated antiheroes; they are more focused on distinguishing themselves in society as it is presently constituted than in trying to change it.”

Another summarizes her students' attitude as "I can't really feel bad for this rich kid with a weekend free in New York City."

A couple of theories are advanced: Many of today's kids have real problems, which makes it hard for them to take Holden's petty tirades seriously; and many teen boys today feel so catered to by society that alienation is an unfamiliar concept to them. Probably both are a little bit right.


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