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Here we go again

President Obama is going for the economy-wrecking hat trick. He's already determined to give us cap-and-trade and nationalized health care. Now he's adding immigration "reform," which will include some kind of amnesty plan, into the mix:

In fact, the kind of legalization process envisioned by Obama will be even less popular now than when it got derailed in 2007.  Two years ago, unemployment was low and the economy was humming along.  Some people bought into the “jobs Americans won't do” argument.  Now, Americans want those jobs, and as a recent study shows, they can get better wages when the government does its job and enforces immigration law.  They're not going to cheer while the people who crossed the border illegally and took jobs while driving wages down get rewarded for those efforts.

If there's any good news, it might that Obama is likely to get "only" health care through Congress this year.


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