Where I come from, this would have brought out the torch-and-pitchfork mob:
Pittsburgh City Council today gave its unanimous, initial approval to legislation banning mattresses, box springs, sofas and upholstered chairs from city porches, primarily to prevent the celebratory burning of such items, as has happened repeatedly in Oakland.
Councilman Bruce Kraus showed council video of couches, ignited in the streets of Oakland, after the Steelers Super Bowl win and during a street festival. Last week council postponed the legislation for a week and asked for the Law Department's opinion, and though it hasn't been provided, he urged prompt action.
Of course, we tended not to burn our couches in celebration, not that there was all that much to celebrate. We were happy to just "set a spell," as the saying went, lounging on the front-porch couch and sipping a brew, enjoying the breeze and watching the moon rise behind the refrigerator and rusted-out car shell in the front yard.