Rep. Mike Pence, who has stayed about as true to conservative principles as anyone in washington, is dropping by later today. Maybe I'll ask him about this:
Republicans are preparing to pounce on any wasteful spending in the $787 billion stimulus package as they refocus their criticisms of a measure whose success could hurt their 2010 election prospects.
[. . .]
House Republicans are setting up "a stimulus-watch program" that will allow watchdog groups and private citizens to report findings as contractors and agencies start spending billions of dollars on roads, schools, renewable energy projects and other initiatives, said House Republican Whip Eric Cantor.
I dunno. This seems like a big waste of time to me. Of course there will be fraud and abuse and wasteful spending, billions and billions of dollars worth. But no one will care. And by the time that is found out, another trillion or two will have been dedicated to even more visionary schemes disguised as one form of rescue or another.
Does it sound like all of this has pushed me into a d