An Indianapolis Star editorial rightly calls out Sen. Bayh on health care reform:
Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh is straining hard to paint himself as a fiscal conservative. It's disappointing then that he's prepared to vote for a bill almost certain to drive up the deficit in future years.
[. . .]
What will it take for Bayh not just to meekly object but to stand his ground on principles of fiscal responsibility?
Well, the final vote has come and gone, and Bayh sided with the other Senate Democrats in declaring war on American taxpayers, so forget about that "fiscal responsibility" stuff. Never mind the nonsense about how this will save the federal government money -- just wait till people find out what it will cost the state. Sen. Bayh as a lot of explaining to do, and for once, he might get away with his fence-straddling gymnastics.
Republicans have a golden opportunity here, and if they don't put up the very best candidate against Bayh they can find next year, shame of them. Calling Mike Pence.
Here's Bayh's statement on his vote, if you can stomach some pure fiction. This is the best part:
The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office indicates that this legislation will reduce the deficit by $132 billion over the first 10 years and up to $1.3 trillion in the decade beyond.
That administration claim has been debunked all over the place. Check this out from Reason magazine.