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Brave new world

Me, either:

At this point, the thing is more than a little inexplicable.  Democrats are on a political suicide mission; I'm not a particularly accurate prognosticator, but I think this makes it very likely that in 2010 they will lost several seats in the Senate--enough to make it damn hard to pass any more of their signature legislation--and will lose the house outright.  In the case of the House, you can attribute it to the fact that the leadership has safe seats.  But three out of four of the Democrats on the podium today are in serious danger of losing their seats.

No bill this large has ever before passed on a straight party-line vote, or even anything close to a straight party-line vote.  No bill this unpopular has ever before passed on a straight party-line vote.  We're in a new political world.  I'm not sure I understand it.

But now it's on to 2010 and getting this monstrosity undone (assuming the House and Senate versions will be reconciled and sent to the president's desk). And don't give up on fighting the global warming scam just because it's losing steam. They surely won't give up.


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