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Crazy love

Even in today's "everybody wants to be famous just for being famous" culture, it's not sufficient to say White House crashers Tareq and Michaele Salahi are reality-show wannabes desperate to get on TV. There has to be something else going on, and all you have to do is look at their photo to know what it is. He is this loser-looking schmo who wakes up every morning and says to himself, "I just cannot believe I'm married to somebody this hot" and so he does absolutely anything and everything she wants to do, and the only problem with that is that she is craaaaazzy. Anyway, that's my theory, and anyone is allowed to have a theory about silly stories that we let fill up the empty slots on our amusement cards.

Oh, this just in: It was all a mistake, honest. They were really invited and can prove it, and they are just devastated by the whole thing. True story available for the best middle-six-figure offer.

And I wish all the news stories would quit repeating that the "president was never in any danger." That's not the point. The point is that truly dangerous people might someday use the same techniques these nut jobs did to get into the White House.


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