When we were young and the world was more moral, our games were more wholesome and entertaining. If we wanted to break the ice with members of the opposie sex, a simple straighforward game of strip poker was sufficient. We weren't absolutely depraved, like these irresponsible young people today:
Allegations stemming from a game of "strip Yahtzee" led to a Muncie woman's arrest this week.
Amber M. Foster, 21, was arrested Tuesday night on a charge of false informing, a Class A misdemeanor carrying a maximum one-year jail term, after police said they determined her claims that a former boyfriend had raped her were false.
Investigators said the encounter between Foster and the ex-boyfriend came after she was the loser in a game of "strip Yahtzee" -- a board game featuring dice -- with a group of friends and had walked, nude, into her bedroom with the target of her accusation.
Hey, if you can't play nice, don't roll the dice. If you're gonna play the game, don't spread the blame.
Anybody interested in a quick game of strip Scrabble?