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Those of us who attended college in the bad old days of repression and guilt clearly missed out on all the fun:

 Sexploration at IU, the second annual weeklong series of fun, interactive sex-positive events offering Indiana University students information about sexuality related issues, begins today (Oct. 26) on the Bloomington campus.

Events include talks by the wildly popular sexuality expert and columnist Dan Savage and IU sex researcher Debby Herbenick, author of Because it Feels Good, A Woman's Guide to Sexual Pleasure and Satisfaction, free HIV testing, the 37th annual IU Health Fair and a "retrosexual film showing." Sexploration at IU is developed and organized by the IU Health Center's Health & Wellness Education Department.

"Sexploration at IU is an opportunity for us to explore sexuality in a fun yet educational way outside of the classroom," said Cathlene Hardy Hansen, director of Health and Wellness Education at the IU Health Center. "One's sexuality should not be feared or a cause of distress -- information, and the skills to talk about these issues help students develop good knowledge that they will use now and later in life. We are using a creative, sex-positive approach to educate, entertain and explore the role of sex in our lives. This is sex education at its very best -- some of the best learning on campus is available for free outside of the classroom ."

Heaven forbid they have to explore sexuality in a fun yet educational way only in the classroom. One's sexuality shouldn't be feared or a cause of distress? Well, there goes my whole approach to life.


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